Plaza de Castilla, 3 - 15º E1. 28046 Madrid | Tel. 91 323 18 88 |


What is it for?
Using the Internet as a learning tool or a means by which our company
can train customers, suppliers, employees or simply have a training-based business.

Constant training is one of today's requirements. Professionals have to be trained and informed and in the world of technology this situation can be stressful.

Using the Internet as a learning tool or the means by which our company can train customers, is a way to optimize time and be able to train our suppliers, employees, customers or simply have a business based on training.

The vertiginous development of our society will impose this means for training. eLearning is not a fashion but a tool that will allow to have and offer a constant training.

Management through Moodle.
Moodle is a learning management tool that allows educators / tutors to create a dynamic online community in which they can share their knowledge through the network.
Variety of files and formats.
It allows working with all kinds of formats, whether they are Word documents, Excel, PPT, Flash, videos, audio, etc. Virtually all the files you need.
Anytime or anywhere.
Mediante internet y cualquier dispositivo, desde la tranquilidad del hogar u oficina a través de sus aulas virtuales.
Dynamic online community.
Very active international community, with a group of developers dedicated full time to continuous improvements in constant evolution. Thus, features are implemented and errors are corrected.
Personalized design.
Customization of the design of the entire system in order to adapt it to the essence and corporate nature of each company.
Possibility of adding plugins and add-ons to expand its functionality and customization.
Evaluation of progress.
Different evaluation methods: test, completion, quizzes, etc.
Role assignment.
Creation of different profiles based on roles: administrator, tutor, student...

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